Saturday, 3 October 2015


The COMMON COLD has no known cure.
It is caused by viruses that can't be treated with antibiotics.

. runny nose
.runny eyes
.blocked nose
.sore, tickly throat
.raised temperature
The symptoms may vary slightly due to the different viruses.

A COMMON COLD usually lasts, on average, for around a week.

You can help yourself to feel a bit better, while the symptoms last, in a number of ways.
Some people recommend CHICKEN SOUP. There is now some evidence on the internet that supports the theory that CHICKEN SOUP can indeed help.

Some recommend GARLIC for a COLD.

Many believe in the use of VITAMIN C. This can be obtained from certain foods, such as ORANGES and LEMONS, but there are plenty of other foodstuffs containing VITAMIN C. (Lemon is also thought to boost the immune system, which helps to fight off the COLD virus).
VITAMIN C supplements can be bought too, but don' t overdo your VITAMIN C intake as it can cause some unpleasant side effects, such as diarrhoea for one!

Some people recommend WHISKEY. They often have this with lemon mixed in boiled water in the form of a 'hot toddy'. WHISKEY is thought to be a pain killer. (I am not suggesting that children should be given whiskey, at all, for a COLD).

Mainstream medical professionals would most likely advise PARACETAMOL and REST.

As a qualified AROMATHERAPIST I would suggest using good quality PURE ESSENTIAL OIL of LAVENDER in the bath, as it is warming(if you feel cold) and soothing, and has antiseptic properties. TEA TREE OIL may also be of benefit, as may EUCALYPTUS OIL as it helps to relieve blocked nasal passages, making breathing easier.
(Always read the recommendations on the bottles, and buy from reputable suppliers).

There are a wide range of HOME REMEDIES also, that can be bought in CHEMISTS ranging from MEDICINES, SWEETS or PASTILLES to ease SORE THROATS to COUGH MEDICINES or TREATMENTS to unblock a BLOCKED nose.

Don' t forget to have plenty of tissues to hand to COUGH and SNEEZE into, and to blow your nose!
Try to catch as much as you can in your tissues, then BIN them, because the germs can spear easily to other people.

Remember to wash your hands regularly to try to minimise the spread of germs!

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