Friday, 2 October 2015


CANNABIS is classified as a CLASS B drug.
If anyone is found in possession of it in the U.K they could face a prison sentence.

Despite a recent petition to try to legalise it in the U.K, the Gov. WILL NOT, for general and recreational use.
There are still concerns about how cannabis can impact on peoples lives in a negative way.
Some side effects include dizziness, anxiety, vomiting, paranoia and hallucinations.

There are people, however, who believe in the medicinal properties of CANNABIS.
It has been shown to kill cancer cells, for example.
Some people, in U.S reports, have found that CANNABIS may be beneficial for EPILEPSY sufferer's.
It has also been found to help people with MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, as it can seemingly ease PAIN and SPASMS.

There is now a legalised 'medicinal' form of CANNABIS OIL that can be bought in the U.K, from a company called 'CHARLOTTE'S WEB'.

N.B Always seek the advice of your doctor, before using ANY product that you are unsure of.

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